Elise, Logistics and Transport Assistant at Horse Pilot

The Horse Pilot Team did not unveiled itself entirely yet. Today it’s time for Elise, Logistics and Transport Assistant at Horse Pilot to answer our questions. Discover through her interview the women who ships your orders. 📦
Hello ! My name is Elise. Elise Goetinck. I am 27 and I live in Phalempin in the North of France. I started my studies with an advanced technician’s certificate specialized in tourism. At the same time, I was working as a sales assistant for a major retailer in the sports shoes industry. Then I chose to retrain, so I left my job to obtain my ‘BPJEPS’ (Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sports) specialized in horse riding. Once I graduated, I went to live and work in Belgium, near Brussels, where I was hired as a rider and a groom for luxury stables. After I eventually came back to the North of France for a contract as a groom, I met Simon Dewavrin, one of the three founders of Horse Pilot. After this meeting, I joined the team and became a Pilot a year ago!
Your role at Horse Pilot
At Horse Pilot, I am a Logistics and Transport Assistant. I am responsible for shipping the orders and their tracking (in France, Europe and major export) but also for imports (merchandise and products for after-sales service). In addition, I am in charge of the warehouse and stock management, the inventory, and the organization and delivery of merchandise as well. I work with Géraldine.
Your relationship to horseback riding
I have been a rider for more than 20 years! It’s a family thing as my father owned an equestrian center when I was younger. I had the chance to have several equine animals, from shetland to horse (that measured more than 1m70 as I am tall!). I took part in numerous competitions including jumping, eventing, dressage and horseball. I obtained several titles in the French championships. Today, I ride for pleasure and only take part in competitions from time to time. Even in later years, I keep great memories of my poney Lolita, that was only 1m35, but that beat every horse on the obstacle course !
Your passion for sport
I love sports in general! At one time, in addition to being a rider, I was also a gymnast and gymnastic coach! Today, I still go running sometimes and I keep going to the gym. I hate being stuck indoors and love being outdoors.
your favorite Horse Pilot outfit
Without any hesitation, my favorite Horse Pilot outfit is the X-Design breeches, for its comfort and support, matching with the Optimax T-shirt to improve my posture and to keep me warm.
Your inspiring quote
« Everything is possible for someone who dreams, dares, works and never gives up ».
Your favorite music
- Oasis – Wonderwall
- 47 ter – Côte Ouest
- Christina Perri – A Thousand Years
Check out our playlist on Spotify.
Thank you to Elise for this interview.