What kind of Pilot are you?

What kind of Pilot are you?
No purchase is necessary to play. You just need to create your customized Aerotech jacket on our configuration tool and to share it on Facebook with a title. The Pilot that will get the biggest number of Likes on the app win the jacket!
Want to play? Here are the contest rules:
- Go online and play with our 3D configuration tool, https://www.horsepilot.com/en/category/custom-jacket/
- Create your Aerotech jacket (no purchase necessary)
- Click on the share button (left side of the jacket picture), share it on Facebook on your own timeline with #imahorsepilot, making sure that your post is declared Public (default set up is Friends only)
Don’t forget to describe what kind of Pilot you are (ex. “passionate Pilot”), according to the design of your jacket, and write us a small text in comment.
Don’t be shy and dare being funny, creative, off-the-wall to maximize your chances to win!
- We will take care of publishing (within 3 days) the picture of your jacket in the app « I’m a Horse Pilot » on our Facebook page. We may proceed to a first filter of what we get depending on the content.
- Go to the Facebook app “I’m a Horse Pilot” on our page, and invite your friends to vote for your jacket
- If your picture is the most liked one, you win the jacket!
- The contest ends January 15th (2016), hurry up!
If you have any questions, please contact us on our Facebook page or send an email to communication@horsepilot.com
We are waiting to see you creation!