The 2023 edition of Pink October was a great success: a total of €1,665 was raised and donated to Hope. On the strength of this last edition, Horse Pilot is maintaining its partnership with Hope for this 2024 edition. For every order placed on the website during the month of October 2024, Horse Pilot will donate 3 euros to the Hope association.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a month dedicated to the fight against breast cancer
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is the month dedicated to the sensitization and to the collection of funds dedicated to the fight against the breast cancer. For this 2024 edition, Horse Pilot brings its contribution by supporting the association Hope which accompanies women during and after a cancer. By means of equitherapy workshops and artistic activities entirely free, more than 500 women have already been accompanied.
Hope association
Since last year, the Hope association has developed well: two new offices opened in Switzerland and Biarritz, new breaks at the association’s headquarters in Haute-Savoie and the acquisition of an equestrian simulator to help women re-appropriate their bodies before riding.
An impact study (conducted by Kimso) was also carried out, revealing several key elements concerning the relevance of the Hope association’s intervention:
- 65% of the women supported declare that they are making or re-making personal plans for the future: plans to take better care of themselves or professional plans.
- 40% of supported women say they want to go back to work: with plans to retrain to work with animals, to support sick people, to take a state examination…
Hope was founded in 2017 to support women during and after cancer with the help of horse therapy and art therapy. If you don’t know the Hope association, go to their website. Discover their presentation below:
A word from Annabel Brourhant, co-founder of HOPE association
After a career as a journalist, Annabel Brourhant returned to the Haute-Savoie region of France to realize her dream of building her own stables. At the same time, she learned that she had breast cancer. Driven by the will to act and to use her experience, Annabel decided to create an association with the oncologist who was treating her at the time: Nicolas Chopin, also a horseman. This is how Hope was born, an association that accompanies women during and after cancer: announcement of the diagnosis, examinations, care protocols, chemotherapy, remission, healing…
“If we often have the same journey, we each have a thousand and one ways of apprehending all these stages. At Hope, we go out to meet women to create, bounce back and share around equitherapy and numerous artistic workshops. For the past 5 years, I have been fighting daily to develop the association, to raise funds and also to animate the workshops and transmit a little of my energy to other women.
Women with all types of cancer and at any stage of the disease, because we now know that the solidarity they find at Hope is a plus to get through this ordeal.
There is a real synergy and solidarity among all these women. They are all going through the same process but in a different way and each one will draw from the others what she can to continue to go through all the steps that remain to be taken.” she concludes.
Annabel Brourhant, Co-founder of HOPE.