It is time to discover a new member of the Horse Pilot Team. Today, it is Pauline’s turn, Customer Service Manager, to answer our questions. Discover the person behind the voice on the phone of Customer Service through her interview. 📞
Hello! I’m Pauline. I’m 26 and I grew up in St Flour in Auvergne until I turned 18. Then I moved for my studies. But not so far as I passed my advanced technician’s certificate specializing in International Business in Clermont-Ferrand! After that, I went on trips abroad for 2 years (New Zealand, Australia, etc…). Then I moved to Lille, in the North of France, in order to get some vitamin D while drinking some beer and eating other northern specialties! But also to get my bachelor’s degree in International Business. I really loved Lille and it gave me a heartache to leave the city to go back to Clermont-Ferrand to get my master’s degree in International Business. I applied for Horse Pilot for my final internship and I never left! I officially became a Pilot a year ago!
Your role at Horse Pilot
I am Customer Service Manager at Horse Pilot which means that I dedicate all my working time to customer service (so to all of you!) and to sales administration. My main missions involve handling orders from professionals and private customers. I take care of the customer (needs, requests, …) until (s)he receives the package. I also can step in when there are specific requests during after-sales (relay for the after-sales service for example). The sweet voice you can hear on the phone when you call the customer service is often mine!
Your relationship to horseback riding
I started riding at 4 in St Flour. I rode there for 16 years where I evolved most of all with my poney Lolita. Sometimes I pay a visit when I go back to my home region! When I had more experience in riding, I specialized in Hunter. I took part in Hunter competitions. Today, traveling overrides riding so I ride every now and then.
Your passion for sports
I practiced judo for some time but as I had a higher level than my partners it was kind of dangerous for them so I had to stop this sport! More seriously, I preferred spending my time with horses and on horse shows.
Your favorite Horse Pilot outfit
Sometime ago, the Softlight was my must-have because this jacket is light and elegant. Today I love the Design Shirt with long sleeves, the Suntech and the X-Tailor breeches. These three clothes constitute my real favorite outfit!
Your inspiring quote
I don’t have any…
Your favorite sounds
- Dieudonné – Petit poney
- SCH – Allo maman
- France Gall – Ella elle a
- France Gall – Il jouait du piano debout
You can discover them in the playlist Team Horse Pilot on Spotify.
Many thanks to Pauline for this interview. A new presentation is coming soon. 😊