Félicie Bertrand’s ascent

Thirteenth in the 3* Grand Prix of Lisbon where she was in the French team, still victorious in the 2* Grand Prix of Deauville last weekend: Félicie Bertrand lined up the performances. The French rider seems to seize every opportunity open to her! Meeting with a Pilot at the top of its shape.
HP: How did start equestrian?
FB: My father had an owners’stable, he also gave birth to the sport stallion Royal Feu. With all of this I’ve always ridden horses after all. It was so obvious, I fell into it as a child and never thought I could do anything else.
HP: What about today?
FB: I worked in several stables before moving to the Pôle international du Cheval de Deauville three years ago. I have worked with many professionals such as Alfonso Romo, Christian Hermon… So many enriching experiences! Today I share my time between my activity with my horses and those of the Haras de Clarbec.
“last season ended very well but this year it starts even better!”
HP: What moment in your career stands out from the rest?
FB: My best memories are very recent : I would say that these are my first wins in the 3* Grand Prix or my French team selection! Indeed, last season ended very well but this year it starts even better!
HP: How do you feel under the france colors?
FB: Join the French team so quickly in the season immerse yourself in the competition even faster! It motivates us, encourages us: all we want is to receive a new selection. It shows us that our abilities are supported!
HP : what about the Mediterranean Equestrian Games?
FB: For me, it’s the unknown! I admit I don’t realize at the moment, I’ve never done a lot of championships. I know that when I put my bags down in Tarragona, the pressure will come (laughs)! I know my horses are in good shape, but I’d rather not get carried away (Ed : Humility and discretion are the order of the day for our Pilot, who still offers herself a flattering and comfortable position in the French team!)
HP: In this perspective, Sultane des Ibis is ready?
FB: We thought we’d give him two weeks off for the games. We quickly changed our minds, she is this weekend in Fontainebleau to distract on work classes. She needs to be in the mood, to jump, or she’s a little too fresh on the track! Sultane is the combination between a small doll and a lion : as kind, close to man and affectionate as she is warrior in competitions (laughs)!
HP: what about your other horses?
FB: My horses are great: they allows me to compete while preserving them. As they are all more or less ready to do good classes, we can count on them to rotate them according to the weekends, it is a very pleasant position for the rider.
“the ability to combine elegance and sportiness”
HP: Why Horse Pilot?
FB: I think it’s a modern brand that focuses on the rider’s well-being and the technicality of its products. You really feel good in these clothes, there’s never any discomfort caused by a bad shape or anything. You get up in the morning with a second skin. Likewise, for me, who have a classic style, I like the sobriety – but elegance too – of their clothes: it is the ability to reconcile elegance and sportiness.
HP: What is your essential Horse Pilot?
FB: My Aerotech Royal Blue competition jacket! I love it, I find it so comfortable to wear. It is the perfect example of the combination of elegance and sport so I was talking before. It’s like this sweater you love to wear at night when you go home: I wear it in the morning of a competition and I keep it on my back all day long, I’m too good in it to take it off!
While waiting to see her triumph in Spain, Félicie claims this weekend at the French Riders Championship on the Grand Parquet of Fontainebleau with Vahiné de Favi. We wish her all the best for the future and have no doubt of the good surprises she has in store for us!
© Séverine Moronval / Stef Candé