Felicie Bertrand, from security to efficacy

Recently second of a class at the Longines Masters of Paris but also ranked in the Grand Prix, Félicie Bertrand continues to inflate her hit list. It is during one of the most beautiful competition that we have met the rider.
Security at the heart of discussions
We all know, riding is a passion but also a dangerous sport at high level as at leisure. An aspect of the discipline that is still evolving according to our Pilot. “This year, we have seen a lot of accidents, falls, it really makes you think about it. I think that security is going to evolve again. There are many people who do not realize how dangerous it is. Riders who do not wear a helmet to ride now, it shocks me.”
Between professional riders, the subject is regularly the focus of attention. “Security is part of discussions we have between us. Especially airbags because it is product that is more and more common. One more security that, like the helmet decades ago, has to enter in the riders customs” affirms Félicie.
And you, what is your relationship with the airbag ?
High level jumper but also young horses rider, it is the reassuring side that convinced our ambassador. “It is Horse Pilot who brought me to the airbag but I think I will be going to the product anyway. When the team suggested it to me I did not hesitate a second; it was obvious! I think it is awesome, we had trigger it the other day on the stand, we have a real spirit of security.”
To the 3* in 2018
With Sultane des Ibis as a new recruit for two months, the rider is optimistic and ambitious; she can! We can only count four competitions and already eight top 10 for this new duo. “She is everything I love about a horse. She is warrior, respectful, she has an incredible energy! I enjoy so much when I ride her in competition, it is just happiness.” After her good performances at the end of the year , Felicie would quickly like to take part to 3* classes. “She is a great cartridge to progress, it is a mare who has already evolve at this level.” A change for the rider who is usually entrusted with young horses. “There, it is the opposite so it is motivating!”
Be a woman in a predominantly masculine environment
According to Felicie, it is the chance and the meetings at the right time that allow you to make your place. The card to play to distinguish itself ? “The sensitive side on which we can possibly play. Mainly on your way of being with horses, we use less the balance of power.”
For her many meetings, Genevieve Megret renews her confidence in the rider today, largely thanks to Creta LS*La Silla, acquire by the owner a few months ago. “I was riding her when they bought her at six years-old. When she returned to their stables Genevieve called me to start her again.” A horse leading to an other, many horses was added to the other she was already riding allowing the establishment of a relationship of trust. “I am happy to work with them again. I had already spent four great years here there and it is very nice to renew the experience with them now that I am self-employed.”
Horse Pilot in the everyday life
When we asked her to choose a favorite product, our Pilot is undecided! “It is hard to choose only one product! I love the Softlight, its lifestyle design is great, I put it in the evening when I hang out, she is feminine, comfortable to wear, the finishing touches are superb. Broadly speaking, I feel comfortable in Horse Pilot clothes. I enjoy wearing them all day.”
With a promising season ending like this one, let’s wish Félicie an even better rise to the high level in 2018. Look foward to seeing her on the podium!
© photos : Pixels Events – Dans la Foulée / Alexandre Lurenço – Chloé Bécaert